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Mechanical Engineering Textbooks

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Machine Design: An Integrated Approach (2nd Edition) by Robert L NortonMachine Design: An Integrated Approach (2nd Edition) by Robert L Norton
for $85.00
ISBN10: 0130177067
ISBN13: 9780130177063

Machines and Mechanisms: Applied Kinematic Analysis (3rd Edition) by David H. MyszkaMachines and Mechanisms: Applied Kinematic Analysis (3rd Edition) by David H. Myszka
for $35.00
ISBN10: 0131837761
ISBN13: 9780131837768

for $20.00
ISBN10: 8131707431
ISBN13: 9788131707432

Materials of Engineering Design Custom RIT Edition by Elliot P. DouglasMaterials of Engineering Design Custom RIT Edition by Elliot P. Douglas
5 books starting at $20.00
ISBN10: 1269241605
ISBN13: 9781269241601

Materials Science and Engineering by William D. Callister, David G. RethiwischMaterials Science and Engineering by William D. Callister, David G. Rethiwisch
for $45.00
ISBN10: 0470419970
ISBN13: 9780470419977

Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction by William D. CallisterMaterials Science and Engineering: An Introduction by William D. Callister
2 books starting at $30.00
ISBN10: 0471736961
ISBN13: 9780471736967

Mechanics of Materials by Ferdinand P. Beer, Jr., E. Russell Johnston, John T. DeWolfMechanics of Materials by Ferdinand P. Beer, Jr., E. Russell Johnston, John T. DeWolf
for $90.00
ISBN10: 0072980907
ISBN13: 9780072980905

Mechanics of Materials by Ferdinand P. Beer, E Russell Johnston, John T. Dewolf, David F. MazurekMechanics of Materials by Ferdinand P. Beer, E Russell Johnston, John T. Dewolf, David F. Mazurek
for $140.00
ISBN10: 0073529389
ISBN13: 9780073529387

Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems by Robert L. Woods, Kent L. LawrenceModeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems by Robert L. Woods, Kent L. Lawrence
2 books starting at $65.00
ISBN10: 0133373797
ISBN13: 9780133373790

Non-Traditional Machining Handbook by Carl SommerNon-Traditional Machining Handbook by Carl Sommer
3 books starting at $60.00
ISBN10: 1575373254
ISBN13: 9781575373256