Communications Liberal Arts Textbooks
Advertising and promotion. An integrated marketing communications perspective by
3 books starting at $45.00
ISBN10: 0071284400
ISBN13: 9780071284400
ISBN13: 9780071284400
Bridges Not Walls: A Book About Interpersonal Communication by
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ISBN10: 0072862866
ISBN13: 9780072862867
ISBN13: 9780072862867
Communicating in Small Groups: Principles and Practices (9th Edition) by
2 books starting at $40.00
ISBN10: 0205547214
ISBN13: 9780205547210
ISBN13: 9780205547210
Communication Mosaics: An Introduction to the Field of Communication by
2 books starting at $35.00
ISBN10: 0495100579
ISBN13: 9780495100577
ISBN13: 9780495100577
Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in Transition by
for $50.00
ISBN10: 0073378887
ISBN13: 9780073378886
ISBN13: 9780073378886