Communications Liberal Arts Textbooks
The Burden of Visual Truth: The Role of Photojournalism in Mediating Reality (Lea's Communication Series) by
for $15.00
ISBN10: 0805833765
ISBN13: 9780805833765
ISBN13: 9780805833765
The Dynamics of Mass Communication with by
3 books starting at $30.00
ISBN10: 0071284265
ISBN13: 9780071284264
ISBN13: 9780071284264
The Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in the Digital Age with Media World 2.0 DVD-ROM by
2 books starting at $40.00
ISBN10: 0073348503
ISBN13: 9780073348506
ISBN13: 9780073348506
The PR Styleguide: Formats for Public Relations Practice (Wadsworth Series in Mass Communication & Journalism) by
for $18.00
ISBN10: 0495006432
ISBN13: 9780495006435
ISBN13: 9780495006435
Understanding Human Communication by
3 books starting at $35.00
ISBN10: 0195178335
ISBN13: 9780195178333
ISBN13: 9780195178333
Understanding Human Communication by
3 books starting at $50.00
ISBN10: 0195336127
ISBN13: 9780195336122
ISBN13: 9780195336122
Understanding Interpersonal Communication: Making Choices in Changing Times by
for $120.00
ISBN10: 0495502464
ISBN13: 9780495502463
ISBN13: 9780495502463
Well Said: Pronunciation for Clear Communication by
for $30.00
ISBN10: 0838402089
ISBN13: 9780838402085
ISBN13: 9780838402085
Wired to Care: How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy by
for $10.00
ISBN10: 013714234X
ISBN13: 9780137142347
ISBN13: 9780137142347