Criminal Justice Liberal Arts Textbooks
Doing Hard Time: Developing Real-Time Systems with UML, Objects, Frameworks, and Patterns (The Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series) by
for $50.00
ISBN10: 0201498375
ISBN13: 9780201498370
ISBN13: 9780201498370
Essential Criminal Justice and Criminology Research Methods by
for $50.00
ISBN10: 0137003935
ISBN13: 9780137003938
ISBN13: 9780137003938
Gates of Injustice: The Crisis in America's Prisons (Prentice Hall Paperback) by
3 books starting at $15.00
ISBN10: 0131881795
ISBN13: 9780131881792
ISBN13: 9780131881792
Hurting the One You Love: Violence in Relationships by
for $40.00
ISBN10: 0534633161
ISBN13: 9780534633165
ISBN13: 9780534633165
Introduction to Criminal Justice (Thomson Advantage Books) by
for $65.00
ISBN10: 0495505749
ISBN13: 9780495505747
ISBN13: 9780495505747