Science Textbooks
Biology of Humans: Concepts, Applications and Issues (2nd Edition) (The Human Biology Place Series) by
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ISBN10: 0321524179
ISBN13: 9780321524171
ISBN13: 9780321524171
Biology: A Guide to the Natural World (3rd Edition) by
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ISBN10: 0131414496
ISBN13: 9780131414495
ISBN13: 9780131414495
Biology: Concepts and Connections (6th Edition) (MyBiology Series) by
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ISBN13: 9780321489845
ISBN13: 9780321489845
Chemistry the Central Science, Annotated Instructor's Edition, 8th Edition by
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ISBN10: 0130840904
ISBN13: 9780130840905
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Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity by
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ISBN10: 0495083062
ISBN13: 9780495083061
ISBN13: 9780495083061
chemistry and chemical Reactivity by
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ISBN10: 0495563013
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ISBN13: 9780495563013