Business Textbooks
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace by
3 books starting at $80.00
ISBN10: 0073102555
ISBN13: 9780073102559
ISBN13: 9780073102559
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace by
for $75.00
ISBN10: 0071109129
ISBN13: 9780071109123
ISBN13: 9780071109123
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities by
3 books starting at $20.00
ISBN10: 0131738607
ISBN13: 9780131738607
ISBN13: 9780131738607
International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition (International Edition) by
for $40.00
ISBN10: 0071288430
ISBN13: 9780071288439
ISBN13: 9780071288439
International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior by
for $35.00
ISBN10: 0072961082
ISBN13: 9780072961089
ISBN13: 9780072961089
Internet Marketing: Building Advantage in a Networked Economy by
4 books starting at $15.00
ISBN10: 0072538422
ISBN13: 9780072538427
ISBN13: 9780072538427
Introduction to Materials Management (6th Edition) by
for $50.00
ISBN10: 0132337614
ISBN13: 9780132337618
ISBN13: 9780132337618