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Engineering Textbooks

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Introduction to Operations Research by Frederick S. HillierIntroduction to Operations Research by Frederick S. Hillier
for $100.00
ISBN10: 0073376299
ISBN13: 9780073376295

Introduction to Robotics in CIM Systems (5th Edition) by James A. RehgIntroduction to Robotics in CIM Systems (5th Edition) by James A. Rehg
for $35.00
ISBN10: 0130602434
ISBN13: 9780130602435

Introduction to Solid Modeling Using Solidworks by William E. Howard, Joseph C. MustoIntroduction to Solid Modeling Using Solidworks by William E. Howard, Joseph C. Musto
5 books starting at $35.00
ISBN10: 0073375322
ISBN13: 9780073375328

Introductory Circuit Analysis by Robert BoylestadIntroductory Circuit Analysis by Robert Boylestad
for $30.00
ISBN10: 0131988263
ISBN13: 9780131988262

Introductory Circuit Analysis (10th Edition) by Robert L. BoylestadIntroductory Circuit Analysis (10th Edition) by Robert L. Boylestad
for $30.00
ISBN10: 013097417X
ISBN13: 9780130974174

Introductory Circuit Analysis (11th Edition) by Robert L. BoylestadIntroductory Circuit Analysis (11th Edition) by Robert L. Boylestad
3 books starting at $55.00
ISBN10: 0131730444
ISBN13: 9780131730441

Lean Production Simplified by Dennis PascalLean Production Simplified by Dennis Pascal
2 books starting at $25.00
ISBN10: 156327356X
ISBN13: 9781563273568

Machine Design: An Integrated Approach (2nd Edition) by Robert L NortonMachine Design: An Integrated Approach (2nd Edition) by Robert L Norton
for $85.00
ISBN10: 0130177067
ISBN13: 9780130177063

Machines and Mechanisms: Applied Kinematic Analysis (3rd Edition) by David H. MyszkaMachines and Mechanisms: Applied Kinematic Analysis (3rd Edition) by David H. Myszka
for $35.00
ISBN10: 0131837761
ISBN13: 9780131837768

for $20.00
ISBN10: 8131707431
ISBN13: 9788131707432